At The Corsham School, we are committed to developing vital literacy skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. These skills are essential for students to thrive both at school and beyond. In all subjects, teachers model and encourage high levels of literacy, while ensuring that students are explicitly taught sophisticated subject-specific vocabulary while being exposed to a range of academic texts.
We believe that reading is the key to unlocking the curriculum and have focused on promoting this with our ambitious tutor reading programme ‘Corsham Reads’ and various whole school reading events.
Please click here to see the encouraging literacy at home handouts.
Recommended books for secondary school students aged 11-16
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the termly Literacy Society Newsletter.
Why reading?
Extensive research shows that improving student’s literacy levels can have the single biggest influence on their success and outcomes, both academically and in later life. For example, a student who reads for 20 minutes a day is 90% more likely to score higher on standardised tests than peers. Furthermore, reading develops personal qualities such as empathy, improved well-being and offers insight into a range of different worlds, cultures and perspectives.
Corsham Reads
In 2021 we launched our biggest and most ambitious reading project: ‘Corsham Reads’. This involves tutors reading aloud to their tutor group for two tutor sessions a week. We have carefully curated a diverse range of books selected as they are challenging, rich in vocabulary and thought-provoking. Each student has their own copy of the book so that they can follow along, enjoy the story and share the positive collective experience of reading. Tutors model the skill of reading fluently and with passion; this allows students to discover a wealth of texts that they might not otherwise access and we hope this will ignite a joy of reading beyond the classroom too.
What will be read?
What do our students say about Corsham Reads?
- “They are really enthusiastic when they read and it makes it sound like we are in the book.” – Y7 Pupil
- “The story gives us connection and a real sense of interest…I feel the story acts as a magnet bringing us together.” – Y7 Pupil
- “I really enjoy Corsham Reads because it's very nice to be able to read a book as a group and to be able to reads books I maybe wouldn't usually read. Also I found out the meaning to some new words!” – Y8 Pupil
- “Ms gets us very hooked into the book by asking us questions about our opinions on the characters and story so far. She also gets us involved and thinking by asking what we think might happen next. It has got the class comparing Lord of the Flies to other books, and discussing our thoughts.” – Y9 Pupil
- “Corsham Reads has given me an opportunity to read a book that I might not have otherwise chosen and has encouraged me to push myself to read books that are out of my comfort zone.” – Y10 Pupil
- “I like that we all read together, and we are like one big book club!” – Y11 Pupil
Whole School Literacy Events
Summer Reading Competition #CaughtReadingTCS
‘Bookbuzz’ – Every student in Y7 picks a free book to keep!
Reading Prize Draws
National Poetry Day – House Poetry Writing Competition
Y7 Christmas Book Swap
World Book Day – Bookmark Competition
Extra-curricular Opportunities: Book Club, Creative Writing Club, Debate Team and ‘Lit Soc’ who produce a reading newsletter for the school each term.
For more details of our events, see our Facebook and Instagram social media pages.
How can you support at home?
- Ask your child about their current book, or Corsham Reads book. What has happened so far? What do they like about it? Do they have a favourite character or moment?
- Suggest reading another book independently. We have plenty of reading lists, recommendations and a vibrant school library if students are unsure where to begin.
- Encourage reading at home. Reading for 20 minutes a day is excellent, but any reading you can promote at home is beneficial. Try reading a book together, discuss what you are currently reading or books you have previously enjoyed.
- Support and encourage participation in our whole school literacy events.
- If your child is a reluctant reader, encourage being open-minded.
For more ideas on how you can support your child at home, please see the links at the top of this page.
If you have any further literacy questions or queries, please do get in touch with our Literacy Co-ordinator Mrs Durbin (