An introduction to Careers
Careers Leader, Adviser and Work Experience Coordinator: Ms E Jefferies
Senior Leadership Link for Careers: Mr M Kingscote
Community Liaison Officer: Mrs L Wheeler
Where can I find out information about my options and future career pathways?
Please visit the Unifrog website which has lots of information about your future choices. Unifrog enables you to look at careers based on your subjects, interests, strengths, personality and more. It's a great place to get started when thinking about what you plan to do after school, or even choosing your GCSE options. Use it to shortlist apprenticeship vacancies, universities, jobs and more.
No matter what year group you are in, you should have logged into Unifrog already during a tutor time session. If not, you will have an email sent from Unifrog to your school email address to log in for the first time. If you have any issues logging into Unifrog, please speak to Ms Jefferies.
You can also use the Careers Resources web page to find out more information to help you make next steps as well as current opportunities.
Where can I find career resources and the latest opportunities?
Ms Jefferies publishes information on the Careers Resources web page, so don't forget to check regularly for the latest opportunities!
Here you'll find resources such as:
- Open days and events
- Webinars
- Work experience opportunities
- Taster days
- Short online courses
- Apprenticeship vacancies
Also, follow us at @corsham_careers on Instagram to keep up with the latest events, activities, and opportunities.
Careers advice
Careers appointments are available with our Level 6 Qualified Careers Adviser, Ms Jefferies. She works closely with Year 10, 11, 12, and 13 students, however also provides guidance to students in earlier years. Prioritising those who are making key decisions in their career journey.
Careers appointments are offered to students during school hours. Appointments involving parents and guardians can take place either during school hours or after school between 3pm - 4pm. There is also the option to have an interview in-person face-to-face, or online via Microsoft Teams.
Appointments can be booked using our online booking system:
If you're unsure about what to expect from a careers appointment, you can watch this short video:
What careers provision is available at Corsham School?
Careers Education and Guidance at Corsham School is aimed at providing pupils with information and advice as they make important decisions about their future. We encourage our students to start thinking about their future careers and employment from an early stage. There is a whole programme of activities organised to open the students’ minds to ideas about their future, while also raising aspirations.
This is provided by:
1. A comprehensive Careers Education Programme run by the People and Community department.
2. Provision of Careers Events to give students experience of the world of work.
Activities include external speakers in assemblies, visits to externally organised careers/employability or university fairs, discussion groups, and visits to different workplaces and companies.
We host a Careers Fair every year in school where pupils have the opportunity to meet employers and individual professionals from a whole range of employment sectors and training providers. Pupils can find out about apprenticeships, further and higher education, and employment options.
We highly value contributions made by external employers to inform our students about career pathways available to them. We find students engage very well with these events. For instance, CV writing and interview skills with employers are built in to our Year 10 curriculum.
We also support a variety of STEM events to give all students access to employers involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
In Corsham Sixth Form, students follow a comprehensive careers programme during core sessions which includes visiting speakers from universities, higher apprenticeship programmes, gap years, volunteering and much more.
We pride ourselves on giving each and every student a wide range of information to enable them to make informed decisions about their future. To this end, we organise and run a large combined University and Apprenticeship Fair during an evening to enable both students in Years 10-13 and their parents to attend.