Beyond the classroom…
At Corsham School we believe that healthy active lifestyles are an integral part of the well rounded student. To this end the Physical Education department provide a plethora of opportunities to participate in activities for fun, health and enjoyment as well as competitive sports and competitions. We have regular inter-tutor competitions in a variety of activities, most notably the mixed Netball tournament and the prestigious Corsham6th Sports Day. In addition we have high quality coaching in a wide range of sports and activities as well as access to the World Class Fitness Suite and large sports hall. Corsham6th students are also welcome to use our sand dressed all weather pitch to develop their hockey and football skills. Our excellent Dance Studio is also available to students who choose to engage in PE enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon.
Our U18s enter the Nat West cup for rugby and play several local fixtures. The school football 1st XI often progress well in the Wiltshire County Cup as well as the FA Schools Cup. Our Corsham6th Netball team also competes well on a district level. We also have regular mixed hockey fixtures against local secondary schools.
Please check our progress, fixtures and live scores on Twitter: @CorshamPE
Assisting the elderly at Hungerford House
Students go along to this local home for the elderly and work alongside the staff. They have also organised ‘sing-alongs’ which have been very popular.
Volunteering at Holburne Museum, Bath
Students, for over two years, have volunteered at the world class Museum of Art. They volunteer as stewards or at the welcome desk. Additionally, they assist the museum in the evenings when it stays open late. In the past, students have been members of the youth forum in order to help the museum in their drive to attract young people visit the museum.
Primary School Experience
Many students volunteer at local primary schools in order to gain experience prior to applying for teaching degrees or going on to complete child care courses.
Work Experience
Year 12 students have three days in term 6 to conduct work experience. Students are expected to make their own placements with the support of their tutors. Students making excellent progress and showing high levels of attendance and effort are able to access work experience opportunities when suitable – this could be at any time due to the providers; our most notable experiences have been at Airbus UK and the Ministry of Defence.
We are continuing to develop our diverse range of activities available to our students as Enrichment. This year we are aiming to incorporate activities such as cooking on a budget, first aid, journaling for mindfulness and upcycling.