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Promoting Equality

You will find here information about how the school ensures it meets its Specific Equalities Duties (These are things our school must do).

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires our school to publish information about Equalities.

The Equality Act 2010 clearly states that the following groups must be taken into account. People identified in the following groups are considered to have a protected characteristic. 

We use the Equality for Human Rights Commission, Protected Characteristics found in the link below:

Protected Characteristics

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Sex (gender)
  4. Race (ethnicity)
  5. Pregnancy and Maternity
  6. Religion and Belief
  7. Sexual Orientation
  8. Transgender
  9. Marriage and Civil Partnership

General Duties
The information we publish and analyse must be clearly linked to the three aims (General Duties) of the Public Sector Equality Duty. General Duties are the things that schools aim to achieve.

The three aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty are to:

  1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Through our suite of Equality Policies we define our Equality Objectives as:

  • To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools
  • To raise the awareness and skills of staff to promote fairness, equality and good relations in the context of their role
  • To provide an environment that welcomes, protects and respects diverse people
  • To ensure that all students are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school